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JoJo Part 8 (Manga) - Chapter by Chapter Thoughts

·2864 words
JoJo's BIzarre Adventure JJBA Part 8 Structured Media Comics Spoilers
Table of Contents

Chapter Thoughts

Soft & Wet

Chapter 1

Ah, the beginning of a part. A momentous occasion. MC’s stand can steal vision, he has bite marks, four balls, and then there’s those wall eyes. Not to mention we’re back in Morioh. Let’s hope Araki doesn’t forget all of these things! I also didn’t remember Joshuu having bite marks too. Fascinating. Ah… Yoshikage Kira. I love how bizarre this part is. That name drop is something else. And just in the next few pages, Josuke! Someone else is lurking in the apartment.

Chapter 2

MC (Who shall be dubbed Gappy, or the Gapster) likes the pressure of the mattress on him. Is it a coincidence that autistic kids often have weighted blankets because they like the pressure? Hmm. I don’t remember the amount of… dick things happening. Will the first stand fight be in just the third chapter? I think this chapter is a really good hook for JoJolion. It’s hard not to be bouncing a million questions throughout your head after reading that. Let’s see how far Araki can dig this hook into the reader.

Chapter 3

The Gapster also has quite the limited diet… not unlike those with autism… Anyway, Yoshikage Kira’s signature nails! The Gapster is also one kinky fuck and Yasuho is a vanillia bitch.

Chapter 4

“This seems pretty dangerous” as the Gapster tries to plunge a razor at his throat. Hoooly shit, Soft & Wet’s introduction is fucking fire.

Chapter 5

Damn this chick is a total bitch! Soft & Wet can certainly do a lot more than I remembered…

Chapter 6

Fun Fun Fun seems a bit too specific of a stand. The 4 points stuff is pretty cool, but the having to be right above them is a bit much. Just give it a shortish range.

California King Bed

Chapter 7

For some reason, I find the family taking the Gapster in to be a really kind gesture. Kinda touches my heart. But man, Joshuu is getting fucked hard, and not in the good way. Another stand ALREADY at chapter 7? Shit moves fast! Here we go!

Chapter 8

Daiya’s ability is another really specific enough… but it’s specific and ridiclous enough to veers into the territory of going full circle into me liking it.

Chapter 9

Norisuke is in on this? This goes all the way to the top!

Chapter 10

That was intense. I could hear Gappy’s theme playing when Daiya stepped in his shadow. Well, the theme I made up in my mind. It was just Giorno’s because I’m not creative. Anyway, good fight!

Paisley Park

Chapter 11

Didn’t remember the Joestars were loosely connected to the Higashikata. Gapster investigation time.

Chapter 12

This… bike stand person thing looks cool. Also… another stand fight already???

Chapter 13

More bite marks…. WHAT DO THEY MEAN???

Chapter 16

Born This Way was cool, didn’t expect the maid! The Gapster has not only 4 balls but 2 tounges??? Why does this man get everything good?

Shakedown Road

Chapter 18

Seems like everyone’s in on Shakedown Road. Joshuu was stupid for giving money to that woman. Well, I did remember he was stupid anyway.

Chapter 19

Welp, the Gapster is an idiot too. And he’s about to deliver some fucking bomb or something to a woman with CIA agents watching her. Genius. 200 IQ. The next generation Fugo.

Chapter 20

Joshuu really is a dick, he doesn’t care about my boy Gappy at all. His stand can spawn screws or some shit?

Paper Moon Deception

Chapter 23

I guess I forgot to do tweets for the last two chapters, ah well. Anyway 8 has had a much, much stronger start than 7. I think it’s winning my favorite part position over Stone Ocean once again. Good stuff. Gappy remains my favorite JoJo.

Chapter 25

Okay… Joshuu does not have normal clothes. Neither does the Gapster. They could easily tell because of their clothes. That’s a pretty big thing to just pretend doesn’t exist.

Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama

Chapter 26

What the fuuuuuuuuck? Whomstdve was that guy waterboarding Yasuho? How the fuck did he pull that shit out of his eyes? The fuuuck.

Chapter 27

Flower pots that move and attack? This shit gets better and better.

Chapter 28

So he can touch someone (or something?) and cause something to go towards them. In retrospect, I’m not sure why this hasn’t been made a stand already.

Chapter 29

Tsu-whatever has no damn morals. Sacrifice another life for his own. I mean yeah he’s 10 but Norisuke cmon how’d you raise the poor lad. Not at all apparently.

Chapter 30


I Am a Rock

Chapter 31

I Am A Rock, despite how much I love 8, has to be one of the worst stand designs. Some stand designs are mediocre, forgettable, and/or okay but… I wish I could forget this one.

Chapter 32

7 had spin, 8 has rock people. Spin was okay and I’m glad it didn’t overstay it’s welcome. That said, rock people add so much intrigue. Spin is ridiculous, but rock people are straight up bizarre, which is why I think it’s much more fitting. Since the family seems a bit dysfunctional most of the time. Well, mainly considering the grandson the last bit of chapters. It’s a nice refreshing change of pace. I’m gonna be honest with you. I may or may not have never had a fruit in my life. But if I went to that fruit parlor, I’d probably try one. Probably. Now we see Jooooobin. I love Jobin and Norisuke’s relationship! They seem to get along really well, it warms my heart.

Every Day is a Summer Vacation

Chapter 33

I really love the idea of a fruit parlor. I’ve never heard of such a thing before reading 8. But now it’s like, this actually sounds pretty unique and fucking cool as shit. And Norisuke is a damn genius. He has all this shit planned out. Even the glass!

Chapter 34

Bugs kinda scare me. If I went into Joubin’s boy-cave I’d slowly walk out. I’ll have to pass on that fight mate.

Chapter 35

I doubt it’s going to end this easily. Joubin’s gotta have a plan.

Chapter 37

Joubin is REALLY not happy. A bit scared for the Gapster. It looks like we might get some long awaited answers from his lambo… his golden lambo…. ah JoJo. But that fight was fucking awesome. I can’t wait to hear Joshuu commentate it in the anime in 99yrs.

Chapter 38

So not only can Yasuho’s unnamed stand give Gappy directions to safety via his GPS without even thinking from nowhere near him, it can also give Yasuho two choices of random shit to pick from on her phone and it’d give it to her. It has NO ability. It just WINS. It is the worst fucking aspect of part 8. FUCK Yasuho’s stand. GER at least had an actual fucking ability. Yasuho’s gets a new fucking ability every other PANEL. Controlling electronics? What the fuck does that have to do with her stand magically giving her shit? And it being able to figure out a path of safety? NOTHING. It can also check car’s event data recorders (whatever that is), AND it can beam security camera footage, that nowhere near her, to her phone. How the FUCK does this stand make ANY GOD DAMN SENSE. It just does WHATEVER THE FUCK will make Yasuho WIN.

Doobie Wah

Chapter 39

Now Paisely Park can use origami as a security camera which she can see the feed of. What exactly does origami have to do with electronic? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. The actual worst stand in all of JoJo. Oh, and now she can find items on people and retrieve them. That has a lot to do with electronics. Of course, it also has a new power. Not only can it give Yasuho choices as to what Paisely Park should give her, it can also spawn objects in places many yards away. There is no rhyme or reason to this motherfucking stand.

Chapter 40

So the origami was a folded phone. A completely broken, destroyed, folded phone, with no camera visible. If we assume the best in that there’s a camera intact where we can’t see, Yasuho would simply be able to have a nice view of some dirt.

Chapter 41

Paisely Park appeared in a chapter and didn’t get a new ability? My god. What has this world come to?

Chapter 42

I feel bad for Aisho. He was betrayed by someone he thought loved him for who he was. Who knows his real relationship to the architect. Maybe we’ll never know if he had good reason for what he did. I can’t help but feel sympathetic.

Love Love Deluxe

Chapter 43

Love Love Deluxe’s design is fabulous but isn’t this just that one chick from part 4’s stand again? Except without the ability to control her own hair? I thought we did away with copying old stands in SBR, cmon Araki.

Chapter 44

Josefumi! Gappy’s identity is coming together piece by piece. Exciting.

Chapter 46

Next chapter starts my very favorite arc of all of JoJo. It’s going to be a wild ride folks. Here goes nothing.

Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home

Chapter 47

What a man. Such a handsome, sexy man. The best thing to tell your dad when introducing him to your boyfriend is to tell him the number of times you’ve had sex. 200 IQ play.

Chapter 48

The stand makes them melt? Poor Joshuu went down the drain… where many believe he belongs. And why the hell is he on the passport? And why could she find his passport online?

Milagro Man

Chapter 56

Joshuu’s Bizarre Day Out, following the best arc in JoJo. Certainly something.

Chapter 57

Joshuu has no mercy, gives it back to that poor man. Could’ve found some asshole or something to give it to. C’mon.

Dolomite’s Blue Lagoon

Chapter 58

So Caato is a murderous bitch. Only 15 years for killing a baby? And Jobin supports this? Weeeew.

Chapter 59

The plant appraiser looks… weird in color. I think this is around when I caught up with the monthly releases. I do thinking the Blue Lagoon fights was a bit funky but I’ll give it a second shot.

Chapter 60

Is it spelt Jobin or Joubin? Someone tell me, damn it!

Chapter 61

So Paisley Park can now also trace body parts back to their owner. No thank you Araki, stop making stupid fucking stands, very uncool!

Chapter 62

Thank you Jobin, fuck Yashuo’s stand.

Chapter 63

Why does no one put a passcode on their phone in JoJolion? This is common sense, especially if you got people on your ass! Also, FUCK PAISLEY PARK. Blue Hawaii had to get beaten by the insta-win stand to actually be defeated. Araki just uses it to get out of the situations he can’t reasonably think of a way to win. In other parts, he cornered himself and forced himself to be creative to allow characters to win fights. Now? He just throws in Paisley Park. Has there ever been a fight Paisley Park was in that would’ve been worse if it wasn’t? No! God no! It degrades every fight it’s in to meaningless levels! FUCK PAISLEY PARK. Creativity? Nah, fuck that. I remember why I don’t like this fight now. It’s not the fight itself, it’s Paisley Park’s bullshit. You know, if you really want Gappy to win that badly, just fucking give Blue Hawaii a weakness Araki!

The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31)

Chapter 65

Now Paisley Park can also erase data from phones. Ok. That brings the ability count up to 8. Rai is also awesome. I love his design and personality. Doggystyle is pretty much Stone Free, again, really Araki? But Rai himself makes up for his stand.

Chapter 67

Did someone say 9 abilities? 9 abilities!

Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do

Chapter 68

It also has the ability to use Google. Very cool.

Chapter 70

The new character’s design is so amazing. He has a little White House model, which by the way I also have one. It seems like the higher ups of the Rokakaka scheme really like Jobin. I wonder just how deep his involvement truly goes. Oh yeah, and about the Brain Storm fight. I dunno if it’s just me but the monochrome visuals made things especially confusing, I couldn’t follow as much as I would’ve liked to. But the highlight for me was more Rai in the spotlight. It seemed to be kind of a segue into Ozone.

Chapter 71

Man, Yasuho just gave a touching backstory and Rai says he doesn’t care. I didn’t really find him to be much of a dick before, but damn man, that’s a bit much.

Ozone Baby’s Pressure

Chapter 72

Looks like they got Jobin from a young age. He’s a bit conceited, but he was a kid. The rock humans are kind of enabling his childish behavior and mindset rather than him growing up.

Chapter 74

Poor Tom is getting that coochie. Jobin is one crazy ass motherfucker. It’s all or nothing. I respect his resolve. While I agree with Norisuke, I can understand Jobin.

Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves

Chapter 77

I kind of forgot that Jobin had to have a wife for a bit. A bit as in 77 chapters. This “DOCTOR” guy is hilarious. Even without their upgrades, Killer Queen, White Snake, and D4C were insanely menacing and powerful. Speed King just heats shit up. While White Snake’s evolution’s were barely connected to the previous, White Snake was still insane in it’s own right. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say this is the “Yoshikage Just Wants To Live A Quiet Life”, and the harvest will be July 15th. Because it’s not like we know who the main villain is yet. Tsurugi??? But as much as I’d like to say Jobin, he doesn’t really have the stand for it.


“These are the events that happened 7 days prior” really makes me feel like this is the July 15th of JoJolion, and the harvest will be Bites the Dust. But at the same time, I feel like the harvest could very much just be the beginning of the end. My conclusion is JoJolion is easily the best JoJo part. It’s cast, the Higashikata family, rivals Vento’s gang. But it goes farther to add more side characters like Yasuho and Rai who are also pleasures to have on paper. Gappy is the most personable and best JoJo. But if we had a proper full-scale group v. group battle, I think that would be an absolute sight to behold. D4C was 24 chapters. If we got something of a similar scale, that would be a delight. I also wouldn’t mind if there is no main villain, but a villainous group. In Part 5, the gang were always split up. Half were asleep or out of combat for whatever reason. I don’t remember what the final battle was like and I don’t want to. Speed King just isn’t main villain stand material. I would also absolutely not mind a new character being introduced as the main villain because even the new minor villains are being handled really well, I think the same could be done for the main villain. I haven’t even mentioned the fact the main story of this part is the best out of any. The rock humans, the rokakaka, equivalent exchange, the doctors, it all comes together beautifully. Besides Milagro Man, each fight furthers the story while being fun spectacles of Araki’s visuals. You can really see the culmination of 30 years of full-time art experience come out in this fleshed out unique style. He’s by far the most interesting one too, particularly in his back story. His stand is very creative and unique, not to mention it’s design. Further, the other stands in the part are all pretty great, as well as the fights themselves. There are many more chapters to go and much story to progress, but if thus far is any indication. this will be his magnum opus. SBR was a playground for him to experiment in the new Seinen format and limits. Using that experience, as well as all previous parts, he is culminating in JoJolion. Not to mention I still stand by Vitamin C being the best fight in all of JoJo, counting every single fight in the series. The backstory and the actual fight are woven together so well, again, you can see how much Araki has progressed as a writer.


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