Welcome! #
This is my, Blues Drive Amelia’s, site of writings.
About the Writings #
My notes cover a variety of topics in a variety of formats. All of it is filterable via the tags/taxonomies. Most of the writings are about media like shows, music, and games. These were originally written across a variety of platforms and from a variety of times. The earliest ones go back to probably ~2017. The public platforms include Reddit, Twitter, Anilist, and the fediverse. I’ve also long kept my own personal repistory of my writings, mostly in Obsidian the past few years. I’ve wrote a good number directly in Obsidian but some were written within assorted diary apps, edited from Discord messages, and so on and so forth. A lot of the ones that were not originally written in Obsidian have been modified in some way, mostly for formatting.
New Writings #
New writings on absolutely no set schedule, frequency, or anything of the like. I write as I feel/see fit within Obsidian and I will set it to publish if it’s applicable to the writing.
Extra Information #
Filters #
Tags: General topics and other random things.
Media Series: Franchises, works, staff, etc..
Post Types: Length, structure, etc..
Other #
Assume that all media notes note contain all the spoilers of the related franchise if it does not have a “No-Spoilers” tag. All times mentioned, unless otherwise specified, are in the eastern timezone (ET/EST/EDT).
What is This Site? #
This site uses Hugo with the Blowfish theme, deployed on Netlify. I write and manage my writings in Obsidian and use the Github Publisher plugin for it to then be deployed.